Wednesday, April 1, 2020

English Tutoring Jobs in Paris

English Tutoring Jobs in ParisSearching for English tutoring jobs in Paris is easy. With a little internet searching, you will be able to find a tutor in a matter of minutes.Finding these positions will take some patience on your part, but it will pay off in the end. When you search online, be sure to type 'English tutoring jobs in Paris' or something similar. These types of jobs will be easily found online.If you are trying to find jobs in Paris, you have two options. You can either look at the right kind of website for finding tutoring. Many times, the only problem you will have with finding tutoring in Paris is that you will have to do research and do not know where to start.The other option is to find a website that will help you find the best tutor to hire for the amount of money you want to spend. One website will have a list of all the best companies, and then you will have to choose the one you want to work with. They will then go ahead and find the most qualified tutor for y ou based on the area of the country in which you live.There are many times that people will find themselves in an emergency and need to get a tutor quickly. This is a perfect time to search for tutoring in Paris and bring someone in and help them finish up an assignment. It can sometimes be hard to believe that a person can be so fast, but if you have someone who can come in and help you out in a hurry, then you should let them.However, it is not always about timing when looking for jobs in Paris. The size of the city has a lot to do with how many tutors there are available, as well as the quality of those tutors. Some will go out of their way to provide the best customer service, while others will leave people hanging after a short period of time.A good idea would be to take time and go to each and every website for French tutoring in Paris before making a decision. It is very important to compare the prices between websites, as well as the services that are offered. Sometimes you can find a better price online than you can in person, so it is important to do your research before making a final decision.Regardless of what type of job you want to find, one thing is for certain. There are jobs to be had for English tutors in Paris and you can find them if you take the time to find them.

Friday, March 20, 2020

What Is Ductility Definition?

What Is Ductility Definition?Ductility has been defined as the ratio of the bulk density of a fluid to the volume of the fluid. This is basically the resistance, the fluid must meet against the flow of the fluid. It also describes the strength of the force of friction. Basically, the higher the coefficient of resistance, the better the quality of the ductility.Ductility is basically used in technical terms and not in daily vocabulary. Basically, ductility of a fluid means the resistance of the fluid will face in a flow. The term is based on the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed in a closed system. Thus, ductility can be equated to the amount of energy a fluid will lose when it is subjected to a flow. Thus, when a fluid is subjected to a flow it loses its energy and loses its mechanical properties.Similarly, energy can be created by chemical reactions but it cannot be destroyed. Hence, it is very important to understand ductilit y definition before we discuss about its scientific significance.In the next section, we will discuss the scientific importance of ductility. We will also see the importance of ductility for the practical and real world applications.The importance of ductility definition for the real world application is very obvious. It has huge significance when we are talking about scientific researches. In a practical sense, it has also a very significant role. A flow that is ductile means that the flow is produced by the interaction of some material with a fluid that is in a certain fluid.The nature of ductility defines the flow which is ductile. For instance, the fluid could be a gas or a liquid.Ductility is used in a wide range of applications. The definitions have their own scope and role. Nevertheless, they are vital in the study of many types of mechanical fluids like fluids, solids, gases, liquids, and solids.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Tutoring in Fremont CA

Tutoring in Fremont CATutoring in Fremont County, California is one of the best ways to learn new things. The thing is that it is not difficult to find the right teacher, especially if you live in the small town.One of the first places that you can begin your search for tutors in Fremont County is the Internet. The Internet is the best place to find almost any kind of employment that is available. The good thing about using the Internet is that you can get a lot of information and help that will help you in your quest to become a better tutor.Most of the time, you will be able to find tutoring jobs through the Internet. You should always keep in mind though that just because someone is offering tutoring services online does not mean that they are any more qualified than an experienced and trained professional.Fremont County has a number of different tutoring services that you can choose from. These tutoring services may range from beginner level to professional level. It is important to note that most of the tutoring services are usually offered by private tutors.The main point here is that you should not look for tutoring in Fremont CA on the Internet alone. You should also visit the office of the tutoring agency and speak with the individual who is working there. You will want to make sure that they know what you need, what you want, and if they are the right person for you.Tutoring in Fremont CA is quite an enjoyable experience. The good thing about tutoring in Fremont CA is that you will have the support of other students at the same school. This is also another good advantage of tutoring in Fremont CA.If you are a student who wants to get some additional education or perhaps you are looking for a job in the field of education, tutoring is a great choice. Tutoring is often the best way to get quality training in many fields.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

ACT Online Prep Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

ACT Online Prep Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace ACT, is an abbreviation of American College Testing and is the exam taken by high school students to get admission in colleges and universities in the United States. ACT test paper examines a student in 4 main sections to test the students academic knowledge. ACT consists of the sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. There is an additional Writing section, however it is optional and students can plan beforehand if they would like to have their score given in writing section as well. In order to do well in the English and Reading section, students should improve their grammar skills and rhetoric skills. For Mathematics section, students must improve their logical and conceptual knowledge in topics like Algebra, Plane geometry or Coordinate geometry etc. to get a good score in the test. For the Science section, reasoning plays an important part to answer the questions which are given from science related passages. By testing in these 4 subjects, the students basic concepts and subject knowledge is analyzed. These scores can later be sent to the students desired colleges and universities which grant admission to the student. Good ACT scores make the students admission application look impressive and is surely one of the factors which help a student get into their desired college. Students can apply for ACT online through website as well and for that they have to register online on the website to pay the appropriate test fee. Online method is the fastest method to get the admission ticket.

What is Flamenco Guitar Terms and Techniques You Need to Know

What is Flamenco Guitar Terms and Techniques You Need to Know Sign up successful Understanding Flamenco Guitar Want to learn flamenco guitar? As you may know, it’s traditionally played on a nylon-string (classical) style guitar, using not a pick but the fingers and nails of the right hand to drive the sound. The left hand is used much the same as in other styles, with some tonal and positional particularities. The right hand is related to classical technique in some regards, but as we’ll see there are some big differences. First, an analogy: Imagine that the guitar is a car, driving you down some Andalusian country road. Your right hand works the gas and brakes, and the left hand is the steering wheel. There are foundational rhythms that you can play with the right hand that can be applied to any chord or melody, given the technique you are using. What are these right hand techniques? We will cover each of the foundational right hand techniques for flamenco guitar later on in this article. But let’s start with some basic terminology relating to the art. Spanish Terminology for Classical and Flamenco Guitar Terminology is important to learning flamenco guitar, partly because flamenco comes from Spain. Here we’ll cover terms used to describe musical elements, parts of the guitar, guitar technique in general, as well as those particular to flamenco guitar. These words are easy to learn and will enrich your life by connecting you to a colorful and unique artform. Flamenco Music Here are a few basic terms describing some of the fundamental parts of a flamenco performance: palo = song style (eg.  Solea, Tangos, Bulerias, Alegrias, etc.) cante = flamenco singing toque = flamenco guitar playing baile = flamenco dance palmas = rhythmic hand claps that accompany a performance falseta = a prepared or improvised guitar-focused interlude between sung verses or dance  sections, or as a compositional development in its own right Flamenco Guitar Terms This terminology relates to the guitar itself and accessories used in flamenco: guitarra = guitar cejilla = capo golpeador = tap plate cuerdas = strings acordes = chords Terms for Fingers on Flamenco Guitar When notating the music played on classical and flamenco guitar, we use the following terms and abbreviations for right hand technique: pulgar = thumb (notated as “p”) indice = index finger (notated as “i”) medio = middle finger (notated as “m”) anular = ring finger (notated as “a”) rosado = pinky (not used as a term, notated as “x”) Flamenco Guitar Technique These are the techniques used in flamenco guitar. With the exception of arpeggio, they are more specific to flamenco than to classical music: arpeggio = plucking individual notes of a chord, e.g: p, i, m, a, m, i. picado = playing single note melodies using i, m. rasgueo = raking across the strings using x, a, m, i, and sometimes including p. abanico = a sub-category of rasgueo, using either p, i, and m, or p and ma. alzapua = using the thumb (p) to articulate a combination of single notes and parts of chords. arrastre = raking backwards (high to low) over the strings using the ring (anular, a) finger. golpe = tapping the body of the guitar, on the tap plate (golpeador) using ma (middle and ring  fingers together), or just the ring finger (a). Right Hand Flamenco Guitar Techniques These techniques can be dizzying to watch up close and in person, but we will demystify them a bit here. The Arpeggio and Picado As mentioned earlier, right hand technique for flamenco guitar is to a degree built on classical technique, with some additions. The classical component consists of arpeggios, and the use of alternating index and middle (i, m) for melodies. The arpeggiated figures in flamenco are particular, but you can use exercises from classical repertoire to build the needed dexterity. Picado is one technique used to play single note melodies in flamenco, and is played with a short, percussive stroke that is muted immediately after playing each note. To build your picado, just apply an alternating i, m sequence to any of the scales that you’ve learned while keeping the guitar notes short and “punchy”. Pulgar (the Thumb): Melody and Alzapua The right hand thumb warrants special study, as it is used in arpeggio and alzapua, as well as in melodies. A major difference with classical technique is that the thumb is almost exclusively played with a rest-stroke (apoyando). This means that when you strike the string, your thumb pushes down through the active string, coming to a brief resting position on the adjacent string below. This gives a more penetrating action that is louder, more percussive and also unique in tone. Alzapua is a highly specialized technique that gives a unique effect. The thumb performs up and down strokes through both single and multiple strings, striking both through parts of chords and single notes on the bass strings. The thumb is used also used in an approach alternating with the index finger, for a unique effect. Start with the following sequence on the open E strings (index on high E, and thumb on low E): p i, p i, p i, p i. Then, begin changing the notes of the bass using the left hand, one for every 2 or 4 thumb strokes. You’ll find that the open high E string provides a nice pedal-like accompaniment to your bass melody. Alternately, leave the low E open and change notes on the high E string (right hand is still playing with the index finger), for a brighter sound accompanied by the droning low E played with the thumb. Rasgueo/Rasgueado Perhaps the most renowned of flamenco guitar techniques is the rasgueo (aka “rasgueado”). This technique is unique to flamenco guitar, and doesn’t find a truly comparable counterpart in classical guitar technique. If you’ve played some rasgueo in a classical piece, it was likely borrowed from flamenco in some fashion. The first one you should try is just stroking up and down through all strings with the index finger, while making a chord with the left hand: up i, down i. If you’re using fingers and no thumb, the only finger that makes an up stroke is the index. All others (middle, ring and pinky; m, a, x) only make down strokes. Try these basic right hand sequences to get yourself started: down x, down a, down m, down i, up i. -up i, down m, down i. Repeat these patterns to increase your sense of relaxed control, changing chords as you’re  comfortable. These flamenco guitar exercises really do take some time to develop so that they sound authentic and feel natural, so don’t give up. Spending a little time (5-20 minutes) every day is better than sitting for an hour or more at a time once a week or less. Of course, flamenco guitar lessons do help! If you can find a guitar teacher in your area, or one that is available through skype, do so to help you start off on the right track. In general, try alternating between loud and soft dynamics. This way, you give your muscles a bit of a break, as well as build relaxed control, which is both sustainable and will sound better than playing with too much tension. The payoff is immense when you can play flamenco guitar music, even a little bit! And getting the basics down opens up the potential to play with others, which propels you even further on your musical journey. Good luck and happy strumming. Post Author: David W. is a guitar teacher in Berkeley, CA. An instructor for more than fifteen years, David can also help students focus on classical, flamenco, or bass guitar.  Learn more about David here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by waferboard

A Day in the Life at Yale University

A Day in the Life at Yale University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Elena graduated from Yale University in 2013 with a Bachelors degree in French and the History of Art. She is a New York City tutor specializing in SAT prep tutoring, ACT prep tutoring, Writing tutoring, Literature tutoring, and many other subjects. See what she had to say about her undergraduate experience: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Elena: The campus is in the urban city of New Haven! Despite its gritty past, New Haven today feels very safe and the area around Yale is absolutely charming. There are campus buses, but they are often unnecessary as the majority of campus is quite centralized. Science students might want a bike, since the trek up Science Hill can feel arduous. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Elena: The professors, academic advisers, and TAs are incredibly welcoming! All professors have office hours, and students can go and talk to even the most influential of intellectuals. I have had many a coffee date with a professor or TA, and I have been known to email them frantically, receiving a response in the same day with a kind word or two. My academic advisers have written me recommendation letters, and one of them I have known for all four yearswe even met up in Paris when I was studying abroad there! VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Elena: Quite honestly, the best way to describe dorm life at Yale is to relate it to Hogwarts. Hilarious, I knowbut true! Like Hogwarts, Yale has houses; at Yale, these are called residential colleges. Each freshman is sorted into a residential college before arriving on campus. Each of them is meant to be a microcosm of Yale, so they are highly diverse. Your freshman year, ten residential colleges out of the twelve house their students on Old Campus, a huge quadrangle where all the freshman live. The dorms are all suite style. I lived with five other roommates; we shared a bathroom and a common room among us. Your sophomore year, you move into the residential college, where you can stay for the next three years if you would like to. Each residential college has a dining hall, a library, a gym, and tons of other facilities: a beautiful common room, music practice rooms, often extra libraries, and perhaps a dance studio, basketball court, climbing wall, photography dark room, or potte ry studio. Theyre quite amazing; each college also has a central courtyard and many have Neo-Gothic architecture, lending to their resemblance to castles. Each residential college has a lot of pride, but they are also all unified under Yale College, and all undergrads can access the other residential colleges and eat in their dining halls. There is also the main Commons dining hall which is huge (and very Hogwarts Great Hall-like). These automatic communities provide an incredibly easy way to meet people and make friends, not to mention all the extracurricular activities that provide social opportunities outside of the colleges. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Elena: Yale has historically been known for its Humanities and Social Sciences programs. These remain incredibly strong, but recently the Sciences have been gaining traction as well. I double majored in French and the History of Art. Both of these programs are one of the best if not the best of their kind in the country. The faculty in both were incredibly strong and welcoming. The French department especially has a very strong endowment, so I received grant money on two occasions to travel for study and research in France. The Art History department was also well supported, and I took an Art History class the fall semester of my senior year; we were able to travel to Italy to recreate the Grand Tour about which we were learning. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Elena: As I mentioned when discussing the residential college system, Yale makes it very easy for freshmen to make friends via these built-in communities. All freshmen live together on Old Campus and there are residential college events just for freshmen toward the beginning of the year. I made close friends immediately through my college, and I also made friends through the dance troupe that I joined in September of my freshman year. In the second semester of my freshman year, I joined the Pi Beta Phi sorority in order to expand my social circle. Greek life, however, does not play a huge role on campus, and I later disaffiliated because I felt I had too much on my plate. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Elena:The Career Center is very helpful for people looking to enter into fields with a very set hiring process: banking, consulting, Teach For America, etc. As someone looking to work in the Arts, I did not find it that helpful. The Fellowship Office was hugely helpful for me, though; they helped me become a finalist for the UK Fulbright Scholarship. Many major reputable companies are consistently recruiting on campus, though most are either in banking or consulting. If you want to go into those fields, youll definitely be at the top of the heap in terms of recruiting. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Elena: Yale has a veritable cornucopia or study spaces. As I mentioned, each residential college has at least one library (though usually more), plus a snack bar (called the buttery) with a lounge/common area. There are also computer labs in each college. Beyond that, Yale has the second largest university library system, and it has one massive library (Sterling) plus an underground student library (Bass), as well as tons of specialized libraries for the Arts, Sciences, Medicine, etc. Its library heaven. Since there are so many, spaces are very rarely crowded, and if they are, you can always find another space to go. One of my favorite places is the Sterling Memorial Library stacks, where there are old desks deep in the bookstacks that look out through stained glass windows onto Yales campus. It feels like youre hidden away in academia! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Elena: New Havens main attraction is definitely Yale, but there are also great restaurants and bars around campus. Downtown is in fact very close to the campus, so students usually stay in that area to go out at night or for meals. There is also East Rock park where students can hike or go for runs. Its not the most exciting place, but it is definitely far and above a small, boring college town. Its still a hopping city with fun, interesting places. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Elena: The student body at Yale is about 5,300 undergraduates (I believe). It can feel big at times, but it can also feel quite small (often thanks to the residential college system). Class sizes max out at about 200 for the largest lectures, and the smallest class Ive taken was a graduate seminar with two other students, myself, and the professor. As a humanities person, many of my classes were seminars, and I regularly took courses with about 7 people. This close interaction with professors was absolutely incredible; it was probably one of my favorite things about Yale. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Elena: I mentioned the Art History course I took where we travelled to Italy to recreate the Grand Tour: it was taught by a specialist in Ancient Greek art and one in British art specializing in the Grand Tour. When we were in Italy at the Temple of Paestum, an ancient Greek temple, I was struck by what a unique experience I was having: to be standing in front of this ancient temple, discussing it with one of the experts in ancient Greek art, and then to have her British counterpart discussing how 18th century tourists would have viewed the temple. I could not get over how lucky I was to be in situ with these two great minds, viewing layers of history. Check out Elenas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

x Intercept Definition

x Intercept Definition The point on a graph where the curve of a function crosses the x axis is known as its x intercept. The value of y coordinate is zero at the point where the graph intersects the x axis. To find the x intercept of an equation, we put the value of y as zero in the equation and solve the equation to find the corresponding value of x. Example 1: Find the x intercept for the following equation of a line: 3x 5y = 12. Solution: In order to find the x intercept we need to put the value of y = 0 in the equation and solve the equation to find the corresponding value of x. 3x 5 (0) = 12 3x 0 = 12 3x = 12 x = 4 Therefore the x intercept for the above equation of line is (4, 0) Example 2: Find the x intercept for the function y = x2 x 6 Solution: For finding the x intercept of the above function, the value of y is taken as 0. As a result we get an equation with terms having variables x and x2 on one side and zero on the other side. We need to solve this equation to get the corresponding value of x. x2 x 6 = 0 x2 3x + 2x 6 = 0 x( x- 3) + 2(x-3) = 0 (x+2) (x-3) = 0 x +2 = 0 or x 3 = 0 x = - 2 x = 3 Thus the x intercepts for the above function are (-2, 0) and (3, 0).